Just a few weeks ago I was interviewed by Paul Luttikhuis for the national Newspaper NRC.
He creatively ‘summarized’ my book ( People vs Resources) into 6 limitations and discussed the issues with me.
The first one is probably the most important one, and well re-phrased by Luttikhuis as:
“the question is not how to maintain our wealth in a sustainably way, but how much wealth is possible with a sustainable use of resources.”
The English translation of the interview is now available as pdf: nrc-interview-uk-280622.
For the original in Dutch go here: https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2022/06/27/we-zullen-allemaal-met-minder-genoegen-moeten-nemen-a4134773 )
Of course, all those topics are part of key notes and lectures , but then followed by unavoidable but interesting discussions.
For those interested in more background, besides the book People vs Resources (https://eburon.nl/en/product/people-vs-resources/ ), there are my regular articles and blogs at the webpage: www.ronaldrovers.nl
There is also a youtube page, with short video’s on several topics of the book https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzp39zM3xh-SEjH4jtLGBw .
The findings of the book, have also been summarised as a ‘Checklist for journalists‘, see here:
More on the role of money: see the book and here:
and: http://ronaldrovers.nl/het-is-allemaal-de-schuld-van-schuld/
and: http://ronaldrovers.nl/land-potentie-als-nieuwe-geld-eenheid/
more on the role of materials:
and http://www.ronaldrovers.com/transition-charging-points-madness/
and http://www.ronaldrovers.com/from-energy-transition-via-materials-transition-to-welfare-transition/
and http://www.ronaldrovers.com/a-0-marginal-resource-society-does-not-exist/
the interview is also available as article in Linkedin: